16 Oct 2012
This Trust is jointly administered by the Vietnam Veterans Federation and the NSW Branch of the RSL and oversighted by the Public Trustee as Executor of the Will of the Late George Quinsey.
It is awarded each year from the available income of the Trust, therefore the amount and number varies.
Click here for the application form (pdf 71 KB)
Selection Criteria
Applicant must be a dependant, descendent or member of the family of a person who served in the Commonwealth of Australia Armed Services (war service is not necessary).
Applicant must be enrolled or to be enrolled in a degree, diploma, or certificate course of study at a University or TAFE, in Accountancy, Business, Commerce, Economics, or Arts majoring in Accountancy, Business, Commerce or Economics.
For further information, contact your local sub-Branch or this State Branch.
Sir Colin Hines Scholarship Awards
The Sir Colin Hines Scholarship Awards have been established by The Returned and Services League of Australia (New South Wales Branch) to assist the children of Vietnam veterans with their education.
Annually, fifteen (15) Awards will be made to students who intend to undertake further study after leaving school. Such further study may be at a University, College or TAFE.
Each Award will comprise a cheque for $1,200 together with an appropriate Certificate to the student to commemorate the Award. It is intended that these Awards provide assistance to students commencing further studies, by enabling them to purchase essential equipment, textbooks and the like.
The Awards are open to children of all Vietnam veterans including allied countries. The veteran's membership of the RSL is not a prerequisite.
Applications will also be considered from students leaving school before the end of Year 12. Such cases will need to be supported by school reports provided by the applicant.
Details of the Scholarship are distributed to all HSC students in their HSC Results Package annually or download an application form (pdf 73 KB)