20 Jun 2012

The St Clair High School garden program is harvesting their first crops that are heading to the kitchens for preparation into delicious fresh, seasonal recipes. We have been successful in growing celery, cabbage, cauliflower, snow peas, beans, passionfruit, brussels sprouts, tarragon, basil and lemon grass. The fruit trees and strawberries are establishing well.
The fundamental philosophy that underpins the SCHS Kitchen Garden Program is that by setting good examples and engaging student's curiosity, as well as their energy and their taste buds, we can provide positive and memorable food experiences that will form the basis of positive lifelong eating habits. By taking this holistic approach we're able to bring students back to the roots of good food. The SCHS Kitchen Garden Program connects students with the land, helps them understand what it is to nurture the soil and the seeds they plant in it, to live sustainably and to take responsibility for their own wellbeing.
It's amazing to hear students arguing over what vegetables they think we are growing and their amazement when they find out their either right or wrong. It is wonderful to be able to change perception at grass roots level and to have a wonderful environment to work in. The students are provided a unique opportunity to learn in an interactive way from teachers and other students who are passionate in their field.
We are also using the SCHS Kitchen Garden Program to recycle, using our Worm Farms. We use the organic waste from the Home Ec Faculty and staffrooms to feed our worms and is recycled into a rich fertilizer and used to feed our vegetable gardens.