St Clair High School

Personal Best for Everyone

Telephone02 9670 6700

Year 11 2013 Elective Information Evening


Year 11 2013 Elective Information Evening

Monday 30th. July 2012.

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Year 11students at St Clair High School study a minimum of 12 units, the only mandatory course being English. Students are able to choose from a wide range of courses and have already received information throughout the subject selection process. Once students have selected their courses there is an expectation that they will continue to study these until the conclusion of Year 12.

St Clair High School will be holding a Year 11 2013 Elective information night for Year 10 students and their parents. The meeting will begin promptly at 7.00 pm and conclude at 7.45 pm.

We urge all parents and their Year 10 student(s) to attend to enable students to make informed choices.

Chris Presland                               Cliff Ralph

Principal                                         Deputy Principal