Next Tuesday 21 February, we have acquired Rachel Downie (Director of Stymie) to present important information to you about your child's use of technology and social media. This 45 min seminar will highlight some important tips to you on how to manage your child's devices and which apps are creating problems in young people's lives today. The Seminar will start at 5.45pm in the School Hall. You are most welcome to attend and ask questions - There is no fee attached to this seminar. Please see attached a flyer which will be going out to all students this week and across our social media networks.
Students will also be taking part in sessions throughout the day as well, as part of our wellbeing framework across the school as a proactive measure to stop cyber bullying. 'Stymie' will be trialled by the school as a means for students to report bullying with the catch phrase being "Say Something".
We look forward to seeing you next Tuesday evening.
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