14 Nov 2018

The STEPS school community (St Clair and Erskine Park public schools) is coming together on White Ribbon Day 23rd November 2018 to end men’s violence against women and children in our community.
As a community, we play a vital role in standing up, speaking out and ending all forms of violence against women.
St Clair High School, Erskine Park High School and Banks, Blackwell, Clairgate, James Erskine and St Clair Primary Schools state that we set the standard for acceptable behaviour.
“If we can teach children from a young age about respect, this will transpire through the ages,”
“If we can set the standard for respectful behaviour and gender equality in the community, at home and in the workplace, we can eliminate violence against women and children. We do this by standing up, speaking out and acting when it comes to violence against women.”
“We are taking an active step to challenge the status quo, to treat everyone with equality and respect and we encourage others in our community to join us.”
“Together we can intervene and prevent violence against women and children in our community.”
The STEPS schools are participating in the Nepean River Walk 2018 for White Ribbon Day on Sunday 25th November 2018. Join us in taking a stand.
When: Sunday 25th November 2018
Time: 9.00am – 11.30am
Where: Weir Reserve to Tench Reserve, Banks of Nepean River, Penrith
Cost: nil
Funds raised go towards supporting White Ribbon’s national primary prevention campaign, which aims to stop violence before it occurs, through education initiatives in schools, workplaces and the broader community. White Ribbon is committed to building an Australian community where every woman lives in safety, free from all forms of men’s abuse.
Find out more about White Ribbon Day, or register at: https://www.whiteribbon.org.au/events/white-ribbon-river-walk/
Contact: Erin erin.davidson@penrith.city