24 Sep 2018

Our school has undertaken to run the Australian business week program as part of a student leadership, crossroads and personal development program. This program is mandatory for year 11 students at St Clair High School.
The Australian business week involves year 11 students for a one week period in which they participate in a business simulation program. Australian business week at St Clair High School is to be held in week 1 of term 4 2018 - Monday 15th October to Friday 19th October, 2018. the Australian business week awards dinner will be held on the Monday 22nd October at 6.30pm - 9pm at St Marys Band Club. Parents are invited to attend this evening to join in the celebration and to share in the child's success ( a letter will be issued at a later date to provide details to those involved). Teams will be awarded on their achievement in specific categories.
The Australian business week program is designed to encourage independent and cooperative learning skills and to develop an enterprise mindset prior to entering the workforce or proceeding with further study. It exposes participants to the issues of coping with stress and effective time management; both major challenges that students face in their final year of high school with the HSC.
How does the Australian business week work?
Year 11 are divided into teams of 8 and spend the five days having fun, while demonstrating their skills at running a business.
During these five days, students will engage in:
- Managing a business thorough a computer simulation
- Learning from guest speakers representing business and the community
- Creating a new cafe idea
- Creating a video, website and trade display to advertise the cafe
- Giving a verbal and written business report of the weeks activities
- Interacting with business people and teachers as facilitators
Following on from a successful initiative in previous years, once students have completed their teams trade displays we welcome parents to come and view these on the Friday morning when they are presented for judging. The students work incredibly hard on these displays and are rightly proud of the end results, as such we feel parents would feel similarly proud. Details of timings will be communicated home closer to the date.