22 Jun 2020

Parent Teacher Interviews Wednesday 1st July 2020
3.30pm – 6.30pm
Dear Parents/Carers,
As part of the reporting process you will have the opportunity to participate in an interview with your child’s teachers on 1st July, 2020 to gain a more complete picture of their learning progress. As a school we have made a decision to conduct face-to-face interviews, consistent with current health advice which is regularly updated on the Department’s COVID-19 advice page.
All interviews will need to be pre-booked online via the SCHS parent portal. Available timeslots will be in 10-minute intervals. Interviews will be 8 minutes in duration, allowing a 2-minute turnaround for the next appointment and cleaning of tables. The appointment times must be followed. Appointments can be made from 23rd June to 30th June. See below for instructions on how to access the parent portal and make a booking.
Due to COVID guidelines on the running of this event, there will be no drop-in interviews allowed on the day as a record of attendance must be kept and 1.5m social distancing rules adhered to in the hall. One parent/carer will be allowed access on school grounds for the interviews along with your child/ren. A staff member will be assigned on entry to take your name. Sanitiser will be provided upon entry. Teachers, parents and child/ren will need to be on time and adhere to the 8-minute time slots to limit waiting time for other families. There will be no lending of equipment, therefore if you need to take any notes please bring your own pen/paper. After each interview the table will be wiped over in accordance with Covid-19 guidelines. After your last appointment please leave the school grounds promptly. There is to be no gathering on school grounds.
If you or your child/ren are unwell please stay at home. Notify the school if you would like to organise an alternative time to communicate with your child/rens teachers.
Please contact the school for assistance with the online booking system if you require help or are unable to access the SCHS parent portal.
Yours sincerely
Julie Tegart
22 June 2020
St Clair High School
6 Endeavour Avenue, ST CLAIR NSW 2759
Phone: (02) 9670 6700
Email: stclair-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Parent Teacher Interviews letter (PDF)
Parent how to: Register for Sentral portal
Parent how to: Sentral interview booking