03 Aug 2020

Dear Parent/Caregivers,
Students have been working on the Subject Selection process with their Mentor Teachers during U Matter lessons. They have had a career lesson with Miss Bennet our Careers Advisor on the Subject Selection process, the HSC and ATAR requirements, and the range of subjects on offer at St Clair High School.
On Monday students were involved in a series of presentations from each of the teaching faculties with subjects on offer. Students also received a copy of the Subject Selection Booklet that you may have already seen. If you have not yet seen a copy of this booklet you can request a copy through the school or view this online on the school website.
Using all of the above information, students have created a wish list of their potential subject choices for 2021- 2022. A copy of this wish list is attached for you to look at and discuss with your children over the weekend.
A Subject Selection Website has been created to assist Parents, Carers and Students understand the processes involved, the requirements and the subjects on offer. This website can be found via the following link https://sites.google.com/education.nsw.gov.au/stage6subjectselectionschs/
The official Subject Selection process will commence next Wednesday 5th August during U Matter Lessons where students will begin to enter in their 9 subject choices online.
We ask that you take some time this weekend to discuss with your children the subject choices they have made and complete and sign the Subject Selection form attached.
Students need to ensure that they:
- Meet the HSC and ATAR requirements detailed on the website and on the back of the Subject Selection form.
- Indicate the level of English they wish to study as their 1st preference
- Number subjects in ORDER OF PREFERENCE (2 to 9)
- The first 6 subjects are the subjects that students really want to study. The 7th, 8th and 9th subjects are ones that they could consider to study if they are unable to get their first 6 subjects.
Students will need to return these subject selection forms to their Homeroom Teachers from Monday 3rd August to begin preparing for Wednesday.
If you have any further questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact the relevant Head Teachers, the Careers Adviser, Miss Nicola Bennet or myself.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Karen Shepherd Mrs Julie Tegart
Deputy Principal Principal
Subject selection parent note (pdf)