St Clair High School

Personal Best for Everyone

Telephone02 9670 6700


Swimming Carnival 2013 Friday 1ST February 2013 at Ripples Aquatic Centre, St Marys.

COST: $10.00 ($5.00 FOR BUS TRANSPORT TO AND FROM THE VENUE. This is to be paid as students board the bus/$5.00 FOR POOL ENTRY. This is to be paid as students enter the pool).

Students are required to report to their Period 1 teacher/classroom at 8.30am. The roll will be marked and then the classroom teacher will escort the class to the quadrangle where students will be marshalled onto the bus in year groups. The buses will depart St Clair High School at approximately 8.50am.

The carnival will commence at approximately 9.30am and conclude at approximately 2.00pm. Buses will arrive back at St Clair High School by 2.30pm.

Canteen facilities will be available on the day; however, students are encouraged to bring plenty of food and water to consume on the day.Students are also encouraged to wear a hat/sun protection and apply/reapply 30+ SPF sunscreen during the day, particularly in anticipation of very warm weather conditions.

This is a normal school day and all students are expected to attend and participate.

If time permits, there will be structured novelty events for students to participate in.