14 Sep 2018

St Clair High School is proud to join with Share the Dignity and their campaign for dignity, to raise awareness about homeless woman. We are encouraging our students and community to donate to this charity. Collection points have been set up in PDHPE, Home Economics and the Front Office.
Information about the charity can be found at https://www.sharethedignity.com.au
Ensuring everyone is afforded the dignity so many of us take for granted. Our work directly benefits women in crisis. Every. Single. Day.
Donate to a women’s charity that makes a real, on-the-ground difference to homeless women and victims of domestic violence. Share The Dignity collects thousands of pads, tampons and personal hygiene products every YEAR for women experiencing homelessness and poverty. Small dignities make a big difference. We fund funerals for victims of domestic violence and campaign for justice for women in Australia.
We need help from KIND HEARTED PEOPLE like you because your small act of kindness gives monthly dignity to Australia’s most vulnerable women.
Join the campaign for dignity.
Promotional Flyers can be found at the following links: