26 Feb 2019

Welcome back to all students in Year 7 to 12 from the Science Faculty. This year we will be continuing with excellent programs in Year 7-10 while students in Year 11 and 12 will continue to consolidate on the excellent HSC results in 2018.
The Science Faculty has the following teachers Mr Pabian, Miss Morrison, Miss Fernandez and Mrs Markou in 2019, we welcome back Mrs Chapple returning from maternity leave. Please refer to the School website for specific information on footware, mobile phone usage and Cosmos use in class.
Students are required to be dressed in shoes that meet the School’s uniform code and be permitted to participate in Science laboratory work. To meet Health and Safety regulations students must have enclosed uppers that will not allow liquids to penetrate through to the foot.
Students who do not have the correct footwear will be excluded from practical work and given a written alternative. Your assistance in this matter is appreciated.
Mobile phones
Students have a responsibility to be committed to their own learning, to not interfere with the learning of others, and to support a safe learning environment where all can achieve.
Phones are not to be the cause of distraction in a classroom environment. In the Science Faculty we ask that Mobile phones are switched off and placed in bags before the start of the lesson. Students are able to use a mobile device in class only with the direct permission of the staff member responsible for that lesson. Examples of appropriate use of a phone with teacher permission include:
a) Completing internet research b)Using educational apps including calculators, stopwatch, thesaurus etc.Your support in this matter is appreciated.
The Science department has been successfully using an Australian science resource - Cosmos Lessons. Cosmos Lessons is truly the next-generation of science learning. Built by a team of Australian teachers and Scientists, it takes relevant, interesting science news and teaches the scientific concepts behind the news. The curriculum is accessed online, featuring rich explanations, videos, illustrations and simulations that are engaging for students.
We will be utilising Cosmos as part of our homework and enrichment programs throughout the year.
I encourage you to log in with your son or daughter and take a closer look at the rich materials, their work and the associated feedback they've received from us. The lessons are available via a password-protected website.
How to log in
In your web browser, simply visit: http://stileapp.com
You'll be asked for an email address and password, which the students will receive in 2018.
Access the site will cost $13 for the entire year. This technology access fee will be added to the cost of their school fees in 2019.